Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sunday SUNDAY!!

Sunday is a big day in my eBay world.  No one knows for sure, but the rumor is that auctions that end on Sunday evening get more eyeballs and therefore more bids/higher prices.  I guess people log on more right before the work week?  Who knows.  Anyhoo, I have been ridiculously lazy and I only have 8 items ready to go for tomorrow night.  Fortunately, they are good things that I found buried in my hoarder's paradise:

a Vince cashmere sweater
Current/Elliott skinny jeans
a TSE cashmere turtleneck (this one is luscious!)
Two cool Silence + Noise cardigans (this is probably the bestselling Anthro brand for me)
Some Eileen Fisher stuff (not really my style, but a reliable profit source)

I have this FABULOUS pair of John Fluevog boots that fit me.  I want to keep them, but I know they'll make me tons of money if I list them.  Plus, I am keeping this amazing pair of Lucchese handmade cowboy boots so I really don't need the Fluevogs.  What to do, what to do??  This, dear readers, is the thrifter's dilemma. Sell or keep?  Keep or sell?  It can be very hard to part with some of the more special items.

Good things are coming to my blog, y'all!  My first giveaway (coming soon, I promise) is going to be the killer app of giveaways.  You will definitely want to stick around for it and tell allllllllllllll your friends!!  I am also working on a redesign (who am I kidding... what I have now is barely a design to begin with) that will make this blog more fun.  Mucho thanks to Ashley of for helping me figure out this whole blogging thing.  Wahoo!!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

My Basement = Thrifting Moratorium

First of all, I can't believe I actually showed the wider world (or at least the few of you who read this) my basement.  This isn't even the half of it!  My husband, a somewhat compulsive neat freak, gets hives when he sees the piles of stuff.  I will acknowledge a slight problem, but I'm working on it!  For the time being, my husband and I have a sort of detente - I list, keep (and put away), or re-donate what's down there, and I don't get to thrift for resale until it's mostly handled.  While there are lots (and I mean LOTS) of forgotten gems down there, I am suffering from thrifting withdrawal.  This cleanup could take a WHILE.  Unless you've thrifted competitively, you have no idea of the rush it can be.  Finding a Gucci bag or a pair of Louboutins is a ridiculous high.  I wonder what I'm missing by not hitting my favorite spots...

I'll write about this more in another post, but eBay is changing.  Yes, it has changed in many ways that are hostile to sellers, but that's not what I am talking about here.  Things that used to sell quickly are sitting much longer, and labels that I used to pass up are selling for more than I might have thought.  Topic for another day... I'll leave you hungry for more!!